Monday, May 12, 2008

My movie is now on Youtube!!!

Hello world!

It has been a while since I posted anything on the blog, but I've been busy, busy. I uploaded my film,'The Moon and The Sun'on Youtube so get watching!

I have been splashing on art/media equipment; I have a newborn love of painting,and I hope to start working more acutely on my next film project: the 'The Three Gifts'.

In the meantime, scroll down to view the gallery:


Viola Llewellyn said...

About time you got in touch with us! Can't wait for you to upload all of your art work and re-launch the Audrey Gold Series. Her time just might be now!

cleopatra said...

I loved the story about the sun and the moon; it was so inspiring and full of hope. You are so talented!